All information and data that you provide as a user through the website is fully protected under the terms of this Privacy Policy based on the application of the General Data Protection Regulations (RGPD) and Organic Law 3 /2018 of December 5, Protection of Personal Data and Guarantees of Digital Rights (LOPDGDD).

HOW DO WE COLLECT PERSONAL DATA? collects the personal data that you provided through the forms on the website, our email addresses and through telephone contact.

–Registration form: In order to log in to the website, the user must register. For this registration, a series of data such as name, surname, address, email or password will be requested.

– Purchase form: In order to manage the sale of products, the user must provide a series of data such as the address. It is necessary to be able to send the purchased product.

– News subscription form: In order to send news/newsletters, the user must provide us with their email address.

WHAT DATA DO WE COLLECT? through the website, your email address and your telephone number collects the following data:

– Identification data: name, surnames, email, address.

– Billing information

The personal data requested are mandatory, in such a way that the refusal to provide them will mean the impossibility of carrying out the provision of the contracted services, the processing of the shipment or the response of the queries.

WHAT DO WE USE YOUR DATA FOR AND FOR HOW LONG? will collect and process your personal data for the following purposes:

– Registration and management of Clients: To be able to carry out the provision of the contracted service signed by the parties. In this case, the data will be kept for this purpose for as long as the contract is in force, except in cases where the Law establishes another term.

– Answering queries: We request data such as name or email to respond to queries that the user makes through the web.

– Exercise Arch rights

– Advertising and/or commercial purposes To manage the sending of commercial communications from

– Sale of products.

If you are not satisfied with any of the purposes mentioned above, you can contact us through the email address identifying yourself and telling us about your incident or problem.


The legitimacy for the treatment of your data by is to carry out the execution of the sale of products.

The sending of commercial communications by about products and services similar to those already contracted, are based on the commercial interest of the company.

The sending of commercial communications by about products not similar to those no longer contracted previously is based on the consent of the user and/or client, which can be withdrawn at any time.


We keep your data for the following periods:

– Undefined.

– Until the interested party says otherwise.

COMMUNICATION OF DATA TO THIRD PARTIES: will communicate, where appropriate, personal data to:

– Developer

– Carriers

The data provided will not be transferred to another third party except in cases where there is a legal obligation, and will be kept for the time necessary to meet your request as long as you do not indicate otherwise by exercising your right of cancellation, or for the time necessary. to comply with legal obligations.


You can exercise your rights by contacting free of charge through your email:

Call us at +34 642119927

You can exercise the following rights:

– Revoke the consents granted.

– Obtain information about whether is treating your personal data and for what purpose.

– Access your personal data.

– Rectify inaccurate or incomplete data.

– Request the deletion of your data.

– Limit the processing of your data.

– Cancel all your data.

Likewise, you may revoke your consent at any time and formalize the corresponding complaint, if necessary, before the Spanish Agency for Data Protection.

SECURITY: uses technologies appropriate to the current state of the technique, to protect your data and personal information, so our website is stored on secure servers protected against the most common types of attacks. However, we must remind you that there is no invulnerable technology and therefore you must use the means at your disposal to maintain the level of security of your data. has established the appropriate and necessary security measures to protect your personal data and comply with Data Protection compliance.

CONFIDENTIALITY: obliges, in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulations, to keep secrecy regarding the personal data accessed, even after the commercial relationship between both parties has ended, and must extend this obligation to all the personnel of your organization that accesses to these files. This duty of secrecy is also extended to the rest of the information that is not personal data and to which it has access or knowledge during the provision of its services.


The user declares to accept and consent to the treatment of the same by for what is established in said privacy policy. It also declares to have been informed of the conditions on data protection.

As for the consent that you have granted to, it can be revoked by you at any time you wish, simply contact via email,indicating said revocation.